The Canadian College of Performing Arts is owned and operated by the Canadian Heritage Arts Society, a charitable organisation dedicated to creating meaningful connections between artists and the community. The Society strives to create inclusive and creative performing arts experiences that reflect our world, challenge us, and inspire human transformation.
Giving a donation in support of our work ensures that we can continue to engage our community, train the artists of today and tomorrow, and contribute to the essential role that the arts play in our society.
The impact of your action could include:
Greatest Need
$50 two new library books to support student learning
$100 new tools
$500 a week of accommodation for a visiting artist
Student Aid
$50 student food bank for a month
$250 two sessions with a professional counsellor
$500 funds a bursary or a student in financial need
Community Outreach
$100 subsidizes 5 companion tickets to a relaxed performance
$250 pays for the students lunch on Concert of Remembrance tour day
$500 subsidizes 20 tickets to students or seniors groups
Would you like to give towards immediate needs or towards long term impact?
Here’s where your donations can go:
Priorities urgently requiring support include:
Program Delivery Operating Funds
Repairs and replacements to our well-used facilities which have, after 25 years, begun to show the signs of age. This project includes improved all-gender washroom amenities, updating student facilities like lockers and furniture, and replacing our set shop.
Artist Fees and Support
Ensuring we are able to continue hiring diverse professional creative artists and leaders from across Canada, supporting their travel and accommodation.
Library Resources
Contributing to our shared library resources on current mythologies, practitioners, scripts, and scores, so our students can access a robust array of materials from around the world without the burden of purchasing them directly.
The College is committed to ensuring that financial burden is not an access to training, and increasing supports to care for all students’ mental, emotional, and educational well-being.
Emergency Crisis Fund
Supports hard costs for students who confront sudden unimaginable circumstances (i.e. evictions or the death of a close family member).
Financial Aid
Allows the College to offer merit-based scholarships and urgent bursaries for students in need.
Health and Wellness
The demanding schedule at CCPA and the increasing cost of living for students can make healthy eating and regular visits to health care providers a challenge. Support the student food bank, soup nights, and on-site visits/consultations by massage therapists, physiotherapists, chiropractors and nutritionists.
The Canadian Heritage Arts Society’s mission extends beyond operating the College to engaging with the broader community. These programs are designed to assist under-served sectors of the community, and offer opportunities to access, create and actively participate with the performing arts.
Relaxed Performances
Support will provide accessible, inclusive matinee performances that give people who experience sensory overload (1/3 of the population) the freedom to respond naturally.
Community Performances
Providing subsidised performances for community groups and students to ensure that there isn’t a barrier to their enjoyment and engagement with the performing arts.
Concert of Remembrance
The Society brings this annual public performance directly to communities, where it is performed in Legions, care homes and community spaces. It combines story and song in a celebration and recollection of service that is poignant and joyous.
Donated and discounted tickets
To all performances for seniors, students, and under-served communities.
Ensure that your generosity lives on, securing the maximum possible tax benefits for your estate
• Wills & charitable bequests
• Gift of life insurance
• Gifts of stocks and securities
• Gift of property, trust and annuities
• Gift of RRSP & RRIFs
Endowment funds secure the future of the College – and are all eligible for up to a 100% matching grant!
The Canadian College of Performing Arts Endowment Fund provides approximately $12,000 a year in grants to support general operations, educational programming, and artistic programming.
The Legacy Scholarship Endowment Fund for the Canadian College of Performing Arts supports student aid at the College through scholarships, awards and bursaries. In the 2022-2023 Academic Year $19,840 was given out as scholarships or awards to 21 students.
The simplest option is to leave the College a bequest in your will. It could be a sum of money or a gift in kind such as artwork, securities or real estate. Whatever you choose, your estate will receive a charitable donation tax receipt. Depending on the size and nature of your gift, you could eliminate all of the income tax on your final tax return – and possibly on the return for the immediately preceding year as well.
Commemorate an important individual. Consider a gift to the Canadian College of Performing Arts when you are planning an event, retirement or to honour a loved one.
Turn any activity into a fundraising opportunity and let your imagination run wild. From bake sales to golf tournaments to dinner parties – the possibilities are endless to raise funds for programs at the College. Contact our office at to let us know what you are planning and how we can provide you with our brochures and other materials.