International Students

Since its inception in 1998, CCPA has welcomed many international students from Mexico, Columbia, Australia, South Korea, the United States, Brazil, China, Switzerland, and more. While the college is a key supporter of Canadian emerging artists, it is also proud of the cultural and ethnic diversity it enjoys in welcoming international students to its programs.

The Canadian College of Performing Arts is located in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and is owned and operated by the Canadian Heritage Arts Society, a non-profit society and registered charitable organization.

Our Programs

Two-Year Performing Arts Diploma offers advanced instruction in the disciplines of acting, voice and dance with a focus on career management.

One-Year Performing Arts Certificate is designed for working professionals or students with relevant post-secondary training who wish to upgrade their skills with a customized program.

6-Month Applied Performing Arts Diploma provides graduates of the above programs a unique opportunity to expand their repertoire and business acumen as they produce three productions as a Studio Ensemble, guided by established guest directors. Graduates of the Applied Performing Arts Diploma program can also apply for their Bachelor of Performing Arts through a university transfer program.

Tuition, Fees, & Program Hours

The Canadian College of Performing Arts offers a total of 60+ hours of classroom instruction per week, some of the most rigorous and intensive training offered in Canada, at less than half the financial cost to students per instruction hour than a comparable American program.

Click here to see full tuition and fee information for international students.

It’s been very intense, but I feel really good to be meeting people who are on the same path that are now my family.

Regina RiosMexico City, Mexico

Since my first day at CCPA, I observed an environment that encouraged the students, both internationals and locals, to embrace and explore their cultural roots.

Annick Robledo MoralesSantiago de los Cabelleros, Dominican Republic

Language Proficiency

Instruction at the Canadian College of Performing Arts is conducted in English. Students whose first language is not the language of instruction are require to undergo a Language Proficiency Assessment prior to enrolment in order to ensure they have the language abilities necessary to successfully complete the program of their choice. 

The College will assess an applicants’ proficiency with the English language by reviewing an applicable course mark on the applicant’s Official Student Transcript of Grades, and evaluating their communication skills during the audition and interview process.

Visa Guidelines

All international applicants must secure and meet all of the necessary guidelines established for international students studying in Canada by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Please see the Government of Canada website for additional information regarding study permits and visas required for international students.

As a college we do not provide guardianship. It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian of any incoming student requiring a guardianship in Canada to take care of those matters logistically and financially. 

CCPA gives us the tools to survive the real world waiting for us, and ideas about what it means to be a sensitive artist in both Canada and the world.

Isabella GiampaoloVacallo, Switzerland

View Photo Credits

in-class photography, 2019 | photo credit Peter Pokorny
Fernando’s Experience at CCPA, 2018 | video credit Fernando RJ
Broadway Lights with the Victoria Symphony, 2018 | directors Janis Dunning & Jacques Lemay | photo credit Peter Pokorny
Goodnight Desdemona…, 2019 | director Janet Munsil | photo credit Peter Pokorny