Can I specialize in one area of the performing arts (such as voice or dance?)

No. The purpose of the college is to provide students with the broad skill base that they will need for a successful career. Training in a multi-disciplinary environment offers students the opportunity to continue to grow and develop in the disciplines in which they already have training, while simultaneously building valuable new skills.

When can I apply for a program of study?

Application forms are accepted starting in September and continue through June 1st of the following year. All programs start in September.

Can I apply for the Performing Arts Certificate Program?

A prospective student applying for the one-year Certificate Program must demonstrate previous professional experience and provide a minimum of two reference letters from industry professionals, or have completed a post-secondary degree in a relevant field of study.

Do the credits earned through CCPA programs transfer to a bachelor's degree?

The Canadian College of Performing Arts is a sending institution to the Bachelor of Performing Arts program, a collaborative degree from Capilano University and Douglas College (both located in Vancouver, British Columbia). Successful graduates from the Performing Arts Diploma and Applied Performing Arts Diploma programs are eligible to transfer credits earned at CCPA directly towards admission to the BPA program. Graduates of the “Company C” Studio Ensemble (Applied Performing Arts Diploma) are awarded the equivalent of 60 lower-level and 12 upper-level Performing Arts credits, but are required to get 6 English credits and 9 Breadth Elective credits in addition. Graduates of the Performing Arts Diploma program are awarded the equivalent of 48 lower-level Performing Arts credits and are required to get 12 additional lower-level and 12 upper-level Performing Arts credits, in addition to the 6 English and 9 Breadth Elective credits required.
Visit www.douglascollege.ca/bpa or www.capilanou.ca/bpa for more info.

There are cases we have seen where other institutions have recognized credits from CCPA, however, that is at the discretion of institution that you would be transferring into, and at this time, no other formal transferability agreement has been signed with any other institutions.

Do you have a student residence?

The college does not have a student residence. A closed facebook group is provided for incoming students to join, on which the Office of the Registrar posts rental listings and accommodation options in real-time. The group can also facilitate students getting to know one another prior to arriving in Victoria, and be a place to seek out roommate options.

Can I apply for government student loans while enrolled in CCPA programs?

Canadian students may apply for government student loans to assist with their educational expenses. The college is designated by the Private Training Institutions Branch of the BC Ministry of Education, and all CCPA programs are accredited with StudentAid BC and are eligible for government student loans in every province.

Does the College have a bursary program for students in need?

Yes. The registered charity that owns and operates the College, the Canadian Heritage Arts Society, has a bursary program for students. Enrolled students must apply for a bursary prior to Term 1 and/or Term 2 for that disbursement period and demonstrate financial need.

Does the College offer any scholarships?

Yes. CCPA has a merit-based award program that rewards students for achieving excellence in their studies. These are presented at the end of each program year.

Does the College offer any scholarships to incoming students?

A limited number of merit-based entrance scholarships will be offered to incoming students by the College Directors, determined by the caliber of the audition. Incoming students are also encouraged to seek out additional funding through their local community service organizations and through the guidance/career education department of the institution they are currently attending, if applicable.

Do you accept international students?

Yes. International students are welcome to apply and audition for the program either in person during the audition tour or through video audition. Once accepted in the program of study international students must make their own travel and health care arrangements, and obtain all legal permission to study in Canada. The Office of the Registrar will prepare the paperwork you will require from the college to begin the Study Permit application process. You can find out more information about how to apply for a student study visa by contacting your local Canadian Embassy or online at https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada.html.

Is there a full-ride or full-tuition scholarship offered to incoming students?

No, at this time there is no such thing as a full-ride or full-tuition scholarship for either domestic or international students. Incoming students are encouraged to seek out additional funding through their local community service organizations and through the guidance/career education department of the institution they are currently attending, if applicable.

Being at CCPA is like being emotionally and creatively charged at all times by the people around you.

Benjamin ConroyOshawa, ON

Where and when are auditions held?

The Canadian College of Performing Arts conducts auditions digitally and in major cities across Canada. In order to be considered for acceptance into any of our programs, the prospective student must either attend a live audition or submit a video audition. Typically our live audition tour will be the last week of February and the first week of March. Exact cities and dates will be posted to the website in January.

What will I be doing at the live audition?

Canadian College of Performing Arts Directors conduct multi-disciplinary auditions. Prospective students should come prepared to participate in movement, to sing and to act. An interview will also be conducted. Wear comfortable clothing. If you are a dancer, wear your dance attire. See the Apply & Audition page for more information.

What do I need to bring?

Bring your theatre resumé, photo, $60 application fee (credit cards and e-transfers accepted in advance only), a transcript of grades from the educational institution last attended (an unofficial transcript can be accepted at the time of audition, however, the office will need to have an official copy prior to the first day of the program in September), dance shoes, your sheet music and please wear comfortable clothes so you can move freely.

Do I need to have something prepared?

Auditions for the Performing Arts Diploma Program and Performing Arts Certificate Program should not exceed ten minutes in length and must contain the following:

  • Two short contrasting monologues (maximum total length of three minutes).
  • One solo song (a maximum total length of four minutes).
  • An accompanist will be provided at all live auditions. Please bring sheet music in the key that you will be performing.
  • Dance or movement pieces showing your ability and experience in different styles of dance (maximum total length of three minutes, maximum one minute per style, and maximum three differing styles per audition).
  • If you have no prior experience in dance, please let us know in advance of the audition. Auditionees may perform an un-choreographed interpretive movement piece demonstrating the ability to “be in the body”, or the audition panel may choose to ask you to demonstrate your ability to move/walk in time to a selection of music.
  • Please bring a device with the music that you wish to perform to. A Bluetooth speaker will be provided in the audition room.

One monologue or song can be in any language of your choosing.

Can I sing acapella?

Preferably not. Please endeavour to bring sheet music for our accompanist.

Can I bring my own accompanist?

Yes, but you do not need to. An accompanist will be provided by the college.

Can I accompany myself?

Yes, however it is not ideal as it limits your ability to move and engage physically with the storytelling of the song.

How long will a live audition take?

Approximately 20 minutes plus travel & potential waiting time.

Do I need to pre-register for a live audition?

Yes. To pre-register, provide us with your name, phone number and e-mail address and confirm your audition location. Pre-registration can be done by contacting registrar@ccpacanada.com; you are also welcome to mail in your application form and registration fee in advance. Please make cheques payable to “Canadian College of Performing Arts”. Please do not mail cash.

How much experience do I need in order to be considered for the program?

It is expected that applicants will have had training in at least one of the disciplines (voice, dance or acting). An applicant’s suitability for the Canadian College of Performing Arts is judged based on their audition performance and interview, not on their credentials. Please apply. It is our goal to help students become more versatile performers.

I am submitting an audition video, but I have no prior dance training. What should I do?

Please state that you do not have dance training. Auditionees may perform an un-choreographed interpretive movement piece demonstrating the ability to “be in the body”, or the audition panel may choose to ask you to demonstrate your ability to move/walk in time to a selection of music. Be prepared to show that you are comfortable moving.

When will I be notified regarding my application status?

The first round of acceptances start going out around the end of March and will continue until the video audition deadline. Some applicants might be waitlisted and acceptances will continue throughout the summer until all the spots are full for that program year.

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photo credit Peter Pokorny