Barbara Poggemiller has been working in Canadian theatre for over 30 years as a teacher, director, actor and writer. She has worked in major centres across Canada, including teaching and directing in Montréal at the National Theatre School, Dawson College and Concordia University. She worked for Geordie Theatre in Montreal, where she created, adapted and directed many plays for the Theatre for Young Audiences. She directed for Carousel Players in St. Catherine’s, Young People’s Theatre in Toronto, Nakai Theatre, Whitehorse, Prairie Theatre Exchange in Winnipeg where she was Associate Director and teacher. She has created work for Debujahmahgig Theatre on Manitoulin Island.
Barbara has acted with the Globe Theatre (Regina), Theatre Calgary and Alberta Theatre Projects, Association of Producing Artists in Montreal, Centaur Theatre, Montreal, Prairie Theatre Exchange, Winnipeg, the Belfry, the Bastion and Kaleidoscope Theatre, Victoria.
Barbara is now living in Victoria, teaching and directing at the Canadian College of Performing Arts. Additionally, she works as a teacher, director and writer for Kaleidoscope Theatre, the Mosaic Centre for Learning, and teaches drama to senior actors at Somerset. She directed for the Victoria Shakespeare Society for six seasons. She has created work with Artemis (an alternative girl’s school in Victoria) and the Inter-Cultural Association of Victoria.
Barbara has received a Dora Mavor Moore Award for Directing; a Monday People’s Choice Award for Directing; a Montreal English critics Award for Adaptation and Direction; Nominations from Chalmers and Dora Mavor Moore for Direction, and three Canada Council awards for the creation of new works.