Alison Greene B.Mus., M.A.

Vocal Ensemble
Theatre History

Opera director Alison Greene studied music and theatre in Edinburgh, Scotland, and at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, where she obtained her Bachelors Degree in Music. In her career as an opera director in Canada, Alison has been associated with Pacific Opera Victoria, Vancouver Opera, Edmonton Opera, Opera Ontario, Opera Lyra Ottawa, and the National Arts Centre Summer Opera, Ottawa. International credits include Mobile Opera, Alabama, and the opera of the Grand Théatre de Geneve, Switzerland.

She is in much demand as a teacher and has taught for and staged productions for the opera studios of McGill University, Montreal, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, the University of Victoria, and the Victoria Conservatory of Music Opera Studio. Alison has directed and written for the Pacific Opera Victoria – Opera in the Schools Program with a notable production of a Coast Salish version of Hansel and Gretel. In 2013 she directed Noye’s Fludde for the Pacific Opera Victoria Benjamin Britten Centenary Festival. Alison was the first recipient of the Brian McMaster Opera Bursary awarded by the Vancouver Opera Guild, and has been awarded artist grants by the Canada Council. She received her M.A. in Theatre History from the University of Victoria, British Columbia and is a recently published academic writer with a contributing chapter in the text “Opera Indigene: Re/presenting First Nations and Indigenous Cultures.” Alison is a regular faculty member of the Victoria Conservatory of Music Collegium Program where she stages young singers in opera scene work, in addition to working on text and character analysis. In 2017 Alison directed a production of the Dylan Thomas play Under Milk Wood for CCPA’s Year II play series.

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photo credit Peter Pokorny