BC born and bred, there has never been a time when Jeremy wasn’t dancing. Studying all forms of dance, his training led him all over the world. On top of competing across Canada, the US and Europe, Jeremy was part of the original touring company, Tap Co. with the Vancouver Tap Society. After returning from the World Championships in Germany, he started his professional career with Occidental Resorts. Over the last 10 years, he spanned the globe aboard the ships of Carnival Cruise Lines. He was given the promotion to Dance Captain, allowing him to oversee all the shows on board. As an adage couple with his wife Tiffany, he has done many performances on board and now here in Victoria as well. In addition to performances for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, his choreography can be seen in Mexico and more recently as part of a performance in Cuba for the Canadian Ambassador. He is excited to be part of the team at CCPA.